Wednesday, October 26, 2016
Practicing my Scales
Tuesday, January 19, 2016
Almost a Year
Saturday, May 31, 2014
Growing Up
These days I am in learning mode. Again. A place that I expect to visit now and then to for the rest of my life. It is what I love and hate about being an artist. One minute feeling so sure about my work- the next, recognizing an area that I can improve. I love the learning though, and I am improving.
I have been painting heads with Bill Schneider on Wednesday nights, drawing the figure with the Division Street Drawing group on Thursday nights and teaching beginning painting at The Studio School of Art in McHenry on Mondays (where I learn a lot). I have had models in the studio, both nude and clothed. I took a 7 week life sculpture class and a few workshops since my last posts (has it really been more than a year?!). I am working through Faragasso's figure book and 2 Leffel books right now. Doing daily paint sketches and have completed a few new bar paintings. Last week I went to a 12 hour life drawing marathon at the Palette and Chisel.
Other than a few things on facebook, I haven't been sharing what I am up to because I am feeling shy these days. But if you come by the studio, I will be happy to show you what I am up to.
Much Love, Lori Kiergaard
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
Friday, January 18, 2013
Charis 24x21
Sunday, December 30, 2012
New website for me.
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
a quiet afternoon post
It is so great to be able to paint at night and not worry about bats or trouble makers showing up- not to mention those noisy ghosts! Even though I have been here for a year, the studio is only half way finished. The pool table has been gone for a while now, but the piano is only half way out of here. Working on some storage solutions, first, a way to safely store large paintings, which we have not completely figured out. Rick and I did design a wonderful table for the studio, and I am looking forward to building it as soon as these holidays are over. The table was actually my design that Rick was able to realize with the help of his 3d building expertise. It offers a large 4x8 foot work surface that, at 39 inches, is a little taller than traditional counter height. Three more table tops under the first one offer plenty of flat file storage. There is no hurry though, I can work in it just fine like it is.
I have been playing with mediums and learning a lot. Playing with color and learning more. New studio loves: arches oil paper, the beautiful panels I found at utrecht.
Anyway, I really wanted to say "Happy Holidays" to all of my friends. Love, Lori
Saturday, November 10, 2012
I have always known that I would never get to the end of this journey. For me, learning to paint runs parallel to learning to live. And when ever I think that I have it, that I get it, that am even getting good at it, I am challenged again. I wont give up. Especially because there is so much joy in the work.
Anyway, my sweet husband has this painting in his office, so he made this for me. That is not really his office wall or lighting, it is all faked. He does beautiful work! Now I just need to finish that new website!
Saturday, September 8, 2012
Back and better.
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Monday, June 25, 2012
Gosh, what happened to the internet?

Monday, May 14, 2012
Perfect Series for Summer! (the research is fun)
Monday, January 16, 2012
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Best time ever!
I am busy preparing already. And also ripping out the ceiling of the basement to move my studio home. . . . clearing away distractions and buckling down.
will try my best to remember to post a picture or three.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Finally, something that I like!

I finally have something to share.
Been painting a lot of crap this year. :-)
This is 30x30 oil on Birch Panel. The panel is isolated with shellac- and my original plan was to have the wood showing through. But, I didn't like it, felt it was a bit gimmicky- so painted the whole thing.
Feeling over the hump- already moving on to the next one.
Monday, September 19, 2011
What a summer!

There have not been many paintings.
I did paint, and go to the studio almost every day, but I have nothing to share here. I made piles of studies, and a few large messes. My dear friend John would say that this is a good thing. He says that this frustration and disapproval of my own work will be followed by a huge breakthrough. I hope so.
In preparation, I made a trip to Des Plains, to Owl Lumber and picked up some nice birch plywood. I have been busy with shellac and rabbit skin glue, and have several panels ready to go. My dilemma and one thing holding me up, is size. I love to paint big, but my studio is crowded with large unsold pieces. So, I am going a bit smaller. I have a few 20x30 pieces that will probably get paint first.
I have to apologize for the state of my blog. Between all of the deaths, Autumn's stroke, the many losses from every direction. I have been distracted for a few years now. I have really had a hard time moving on. So...
Rick and I went to Burning Man a few weeks ago. It was one of the greatest experiences ever.
Thursday, May 26, 2011
First Friday

They used the one image of last years work, but I will be filling the Lobby of the LLAP with some new paintings too and portrait samples. Johanna is a fantastic artist and teacher, so you wont want to miss her show. The NAAC show will be here too, as well as some crazy installation piece in the upstairs rooms of the mansion.
Come see.
Friday, May 6, 2011
First Friday

This is a nice little study that I did a few weeks ago as a demo at a local grade school. Usually these demos end up as burn pile material. I find that talking and answering questions does not really go too well with good painting- but I am kind of happy with this one. It was a lot of fun painting with the kids- who really wanted to eat the models. :-) I hope to do it again!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Drawing of Norma
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Working from home
It is really coming down outside, with more on the way. So yesterday I cancelled today's class and brought home my work. One WIP drawing and a large painting that is on the home stretch. I also have some webwork for two projects to keep me busy. If you are looking for me at the studio, shoot me an email or call and I will make my way over there. This is a great time for commissioning charcoal drawings. Stay warm, friends. :-)
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Happy New Year, welcome 2011
Can not even believe another year has passed! This next year promises to be a big year of changes and adventures.
I have a large painting on the easel and a few drawings going too. New Classes are starting too. I am teaching out of my own studio, Creative Artistry and in McHenry at The Studio Art School. Send me a note if you would like to come and paint with me.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Learning More About Charcoal

Went and hung out with some of my online artist friends in October. Gathered from all over the country in a small Missouri town- a few more days with Graydon Parrish. I really enjoyed all of the company, and was able to put aside what I thought that I knew and really learn some new things. Since that time, I have been drawing a lot using my family as models. I figure that way, I will have something good when I get through learning. Have done my middle two kids and working on my oldest child and youngest dog. Really am loving turning form and thinking about form in new ways.
These are going to look amazing when they are matted and placed in nice gold leaf frames. Since I would like to do a few more, I am taking a limited number of portrait commissions using this method, a much less expensive alternative to the painted portrait. There is still time if you would like to give a portrait for a Christmas gift, contact me. Gift Certificates are also available.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
What a summer!
This has been the most glorious summer in years. Nice and hot- lots of rain, so green that it is almost blue.
Over the next few days will be gallery visits and marketing then back to the studio and back to work. I promise!
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Saturday, May 29, 2010
6 days
Blinding light began with 6 still life paintings created in 2004 and 2005 for the NYC "Representing Reality" show. It really came together through a series of lake paintings, hallway paintings, and even a few city scapes- all with one common thread, light so bright that you might want to reach for your sun glasses. The new large paintings created this last year are still just the beginning.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Oh my poor neglected blog.

Stupid facebook has taken me from you... Or not as I am spending so much less time online these days. Not intentionally, just life that has crept up on me these last few years.
And besides that, I have a solo show just around the corner- less than two weeks away, and I am painting my butt off trying to get ready. I can not wait to show you my new work. I will be filling the Sage Gallery and also the Lakeside Legacy Arts Park Lobby. More information here. See you there!
Sage Gallery
401 Country Club Road
Crystal Lake, IL 60014
Saturday, March 13, 2010
The grey is lifting.

I saw a fly buzz by the other day. The snow was still on the ground, it was the kind of fly that Rick calls a zombie fly because they are still kind of stunned to be awake and act like the flying dead. I don't call them zombies, I call them promises of spring. I know, they are flies! But, this has been two back to back extraordinarily long winters with barely a warm day in between. Even flies look good to us now. Happy Spring, my friends!
I have 7 pieces in the LLAP Resident artist show. These three are in the Dole gallery, there are three in the Sage gallery and one in the lobby. They will be hanging all month, so stop by. If you give me a call and let me know that you are coming, I will meet you there. :-)
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Thinking outloud.

OK, so while I am here. this is totally thinking out loud, or just dumping my thoughts out and trying to make sense of them here, publicly. Not saying that my views are correct and not sure if I am qualified to even say a word about Art with a capital A, but this is my blog, so I will say what I want. :-)
While I work through the why of MY painting, I have been going to the Art Institute a lot lately. Once and sometimes twice a week for the past few months. Checking out the new modern wing- trying to get it. OH, there is plenty there to love, I am not saying that there isn't- but there is a whole lot that sure seems like a bunch of the emperors new clothes to me.
And I am learning. Over the years I thought that Cy Twombly was possibly the worst artist to ever be put in a museum. The recent Cy Twombly show was actually an eye opener. Not that I am a fan, but seeing his work all together like that gave me a better understanding. And while not my cup of tea, actually very beautiful all together.
Thankfully they have changed the exhibits some and removed the loud clown on the toilet videos that made standing in the Gerhard Richter room impossible. (!!!) Even though Gerhard has really bridged the gap between modern and traditional, I bet he would have been pissed to hear that obnoxious clown while looking at his beautiful paintings.
You know, there is so much to consider. Like the really wonderful room, possibly the best room in the museum, over looking the incredible Millenium Park that holds nothing but 6 white panels. It makes me mad every time that I see that, like that room was stolen from some hard working painter. Even though have been in a thousand discussions about why that is art, and have even heard some good arguments for it, I struggle to accept it. I'm thinking that I could go stand there forever and not change my mind.
And who cares? It is like you can not challenge it anyway- else be labeled an enemy of art, closed minded or stupid.
Hard as I try to keep an open mind, still I get so opinionated about it... Which is why I keep going back, because if there is something to it, I will find it.
I do understand and enjoy some of the color field paintings, and think that they are easier to bitch about than to create. Much of the modern art is quite beautiful. But the piles of trash? The length of sausage casings? the three poles? I am really not interested in a gimmick or tricks, but there also needs to be something more than just old dead technique, and I feel like I am getting closer to that thing. (or maybe had too much coffee)
There will always be artists taking the easy way out by doing nothing, which IMHO is actually preferable to those who settle on exploiting others, for example, a mediocre painter exploiting the bravery of a fallen policeman, fireman or our troops to make up for missing skills. No one would dare criticize your compositions or color when you paint your own self with their glory.
Like I said, I am unqualified, and very possibly wrong. I do know that for the rest of my life I will be learning how to paint, and a huge part of that is always learning/considering/growing into what to paint. Who knows where this journey will take me, but I am pretty confident that it will not be to show empty canvas, a can of shit or to a whole career built on exploiting other people's accomplishments.
Grey January Greetings!

I am getting emails about my poor neglected blog. I am sorry, I will try to do better.
Many of you know it has been a time for us here, we have had real world life pushing this blog to the back burner. There was a birth a college graduation and several other really good things. But there were also the several deaths and the care of my adult daughter. So, while I have been in the studio working- blogging has not been high on the priority list.
Anyway, I am working hard- focusing my direction, painting, reading, thinking and growing. Really growing- and I see an exciting new direction forming in my sketchbooks.
Anyway- thanks for the nudge to post, and stop by the real world anytime and visit.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Working toward my Spring solo show...

Hello friends,
I am working hard toward my May show. This is what is on my easel today- a work in progress, in case you were wondering- I am still here :-) My blog updates have been slow, but work is progressing at a good speed.
Not shown are a few portraits in the works as well as a portrait bust that I am working on in terracotta.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Still among the living.
After my brother died in December I had a hard time coming up for air. And just as I was starting to, (a few days after my last post here) my daughter had a stroke, which landed her in a coma on full life support. Lots of stories to get her to here, but the bottom line is that she is going to be OK. We all will.
One of these days this blog will be updated properly, but for now I leave you with this picture of what I am working on right now.
XO Lori

Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Summer Reflections
It is that time of year when the family has grabbed my attention. With a son home from college and a daughter making a long awaited visit home. There has been time with my brother's widow, and a trip to Florida to rescue his airstream from the swamp. And there is another death on the horizon as my Father-in-Law is living out his last few days of fighting with cancer. So much going on that it is hard to get to the studio.
I have been attending a sculpture class- so at least there is a little bit of creation going on.
Stop by the Lakeside Legacy Arts Park to see the lobby where my new paintings will be hanging for the month of August- and I will be sure to be back in the studio before too long.
Love, Lori
Friday, June 12, 2009

We were lucky enough to have a robin's nest right out side our kitchen window this year. Delighted that we could enjoy our coffee and watch the good parents raise their family. I had no idea that the father robin was so involved- and this dad was a great one, chasing off the squirrels and the sparrows. standing nervously near the eggs so mom could run off for a moment. And feeding the kids giant june bugs and worms. So much fun to watch. This is our baby robin- he fell out of his nest a few days before they were ready to fly away so Norma picked him up and put him in a hanging planter placed a little under the nest, (there was no room IN the nest) and she hand fed him worms for a couple of days. We were standing there watching when "Albert" finally flew away. This picture was taken a few minutes after his first flight.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Smack-dab in the middle of everything.

Sometimes it feels like I live in the middle of everything. I regularly see, (and feel equally at home with), both sky scrapers and corn fields. Art museums and galleries fancy city restaurants and farm stands. I like small towns and Love big cities.
Never a suburbanite, I do sometimes feel lost at sea here in the badlands of big box stores where I have never fit in.
But if I look- I can still find light, even if we do have twisted it all up with our crap.
This painting "Old Strip Mall" is 36x48 oil on canvas.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Today is a nice day for making frames.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
The Modern Wing Member's Preview
The thing that I really love about the opening of the Modern Wing is the space that is left on the other side in the non modern wings. But I do plan to spend a lot of time here this summer.
The building is OK- mostly boring and reminds me of an empty IKEA store. But they were not done with the floors, so maybe I will like it better when that is done.